We have found each other and I truly hope we meet in person. But before that, here’s a little bit about me.

My love and passion for yoga is inherent. Quite literally. Yoga has been in my life from the very beginning. It was not something I found. It was practiced and intrinsic in my upbringing from day 1. It was how we spoke to people, the food we ate, the books we read. I was fascinated by the crystals my godmother gifted me and the statues of deities that adorned the house. Then came a period of absence; a forgetting to be in my practice - becoming tangled up in distraction and external influences. I found me again though.

Life is not a series of picture perfect poses. It’s journeying to them, through them, beyond them. And breathing every aspect of it in and out again. My journey has taken me to and through them. Not all of it, I often feel like I’ve not even begun. When I decided to do my training I wanted the journey; I wanted to know myself. I wanted to meet myself.

I had been practicing with an Iyengar teacher and dabbling in Kundalini and I was stuck in my ego. Pushing and striving towards what I thought yoga was or should be; I had forgotten it wasn’t the pose. I did a Foundation Course with Yoga Scotland and I could feel my heart beating and my soul whispering where it wanted to go; teacher training. I trained with the British Wheel of Yoga because journeying deep into my core was instrumental to me in preparing to teach yoga. I had to know who I truly was. And I had to be ok with all of it. The messy and the ok stuff. All of it. So I can meet you where you are in all of it.  And I will. I promise.  And we’ll journey through it together. 

I’m going to give you some space now. 

I’m so glad we have found each other.

I can’t wait to meet you.


Will allow for meditation, pranayama, asana and restoration aiming to cultivate a deeper emotional and internal strength as well as physical. Yoga is in every breath we take. Not a pose. It’s your heart being and feeling full. The poses will help us journey a little deeper into ourselves, but ultimately it’s already there within you. I’ll help you access it if you like.